Archive for January, 2011

Porno Melodrama @ Berlin Film Festival 2011!

January 19, 2011

I’m more then happy to pronounce the happy news – we were accepted to Berlin Film Festival’s program Panorama!

Berlinale has a separate short film program, and Panorama shows the shorts only exceptionally. Well, one can see why this exception was made – Panorama loves controversial subjects with strong political content. And although “gay subject” doesn’t seem very controversial in Europe anymore, Lithuania is still trying… Actually, today European Parliament passed a resolution against state’s homophobia in my country, paying attention to different laws:

That was one of my aim as well – “Porno Melodrama”, as a first Lithuanian gay film, will challenge “Protection of minors” law, passed last year in Lithuania, who’s explicitly homophobic line was replaced by an order to “ban to spread information that would promote sexual relations or other conceptions of concluding a marriage or creating a family other than established in the Constitution or the Civil Code“.

But my film is not about that! My short film is a dramatic story about the dangers of love.

Jonas enjoys his living with his boyfriend Matas, but he wants to emigrate from homophobic Lithuania. In order to save money, Jonas accepts to star in a porno film with his ex-girlfriend Akvilė. But what if some unrequited love still linger in Akvilė’s heart?..

Let’s see each other in Berlin!